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Marine Algae as a Natural Source for Antiviral Compounds


  • Amar S Musale Reliance Research & Development Centre, Reliance Industries Limited
  • Raja Krishna Kumar G. Reliance Research & Development Centre, Reliance Industries Limited
  • Ajit Sapre Reliance Industries Limited
  • Santanu Dasgupta Reliance Research & Development Centre, Reliance Corporate Park, Thane-Belapur Road, Ghansoli, Navi Mumbai 400 701, India



Coronavirus or COVID-19 is started from the China, Wuhan city in December 2019 and soon later, spread around 190 countries and declared as pandemic on March 11, 2020 by WHO. Healthcare systems all over the world are fighting against this pandemic. Most of the countries are lockdown for uncertain periods to protect their people from this pandemic as a result the world economy is struggling to cope up with the current situation. Several countries have conducted research studies to produce vaccine or antiviral drug but there is still no specific solution for the prevention or treatment of COVID-19 infection in general. Along with other treatment methods, many countries are fuelling their demand for antiviral compounds from natural resources due to coronavirus. Microalgae and cyanobacteria are excellent source of antiviral activity. Several cyclic or linear peptides and depsipeptides isolated from cyanobacteria are protease inhibitors, which is considered as significant antiviral candidate. Micro and macroalgae were one of the first sources of natural compounds showing in vitro anti-HIV activity. Numerous in vitro or in vivo studies has shown the potential of algae against wild range of viruses. The use of natural products in the manufacturing of drugs is an ancient and well-established practice. Marine microorganisms are known producers of pharmacological and anti-viral agents and may provide unlimited biological resources to produce therapeutic drugs for the treatment and control of viral diseases in humans. Our major intention to write this review to bring world’s attention in terms of public health and public policy practices across the world to grab an opportunity from this known healthcare practices, and conventional platform to produce vaccine or antiviral medicine to overcome COID-19.


Corona, COVID-19, Pandemic, Antiviral, Public health, Algae, compounds


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