About AIJR Preprint Server

AIJR preprint server is dedicated to publishing early research work (without Peer-Reviewing) known as a preprint from all academic fields. A preprint paper is the author’s version of the research paper that has not yet been peer-reviewed and published in any scholarly journal. Visit an overview of Preprint for a little more detail. Preprint papers go by many names such as; working paper, draft version, author's version of a paper, etc. In most cases, they are considered as final drafts or working papers. AIJR Preprints is a multidisciplinary preprint server that publishes early research work from all fields of research immediately. Currently, it is free to publish in the following sections-

Working Paper Section: This section is intended to publish working papers considered as early research work which has not been submitted to any journal for reviewing yet. After the author submits to any journal where get published, it can be updated with DOI of the published peer-reviewed version. 
Preprints Section: This section is intended to publish the author's version of papers which already been submitted to a scholarly journal for peer-reviewing (whether accepted or not). If the paper in the journal already accepted or published, the author needs to provide DOI of the finally published peer-reviewed version.
Coronavirus Section: This is a special section to publish all kinds of working papers on coronavirus study. If the article gets published in any scholarly journal, the author may update with DOI of the published peer-reviewed version.

Paper Submission
Our online submission platform is very simple and easy to use. If you don’t have an account, first create one using a simple registration process. After registration and validation of your account through the link sent to your email, you may log in to proceed further. Click on “New Submission” and proceed with the stepwise submission system by uploading your paper and giving basic details about the paper and authors. The final step is to confirm and finish submission to the editorial office of AIJR preprints for technical formatting screening. Make sure you have read the author guidelines before submission.

Manuscript Screening

All submission undergoes a short technical screening before being published online. This process may take from 2-10 working days depending upon the adherence to the author guidelines in writing and formatting the paper. Screening includes checks for the basic structure of the paper, consistent formatting & citation, the author’s complete detail, and compliance with ethical standards. Reference citation may get added/removed during technical screening as appropriate, the submitting author will get informed for any such addition/removal. The basis of the screening process can be summarized in the following 3 consideration-

  • Based on Author Guidelines: The author’s complete detail, the basic structure of the paper, formatting consistency, tables representation, figures quality, and proper reference citation.
  • Ethical Compliance: Presence of conflict of interest statement and other applicable declarations as described under guidelines as well as compliance with publication ethics such as plagiarism and data fabrication.
  • Basic Article Quality: The paper shall focus on a clear objective and the contents including title, abstract, introduction, findings, discussion, and conclusion shall reflect the objective of the work. The writing style should be easy to follow for readers with consistent and correlated content. The paper should contain appropriate recent reference citations in order to discuss and show the novelty of the work by comparing other's existing works and challenges.

The screening is carried out by AIJR Preprints staff, with the support of active researchers and the screening board members of AIJR Preprints. 
If you are a researcher interested in screening the preprint manuscripts, visit this link for further detail and apply.

Online Publication (Open Access)

The submission that passes the screening process is published online in open access format under a Creative Commons CC BY 4.0 license. This gives maximum visibility to authors while ensuring that they are properly recognized for their work. Once online, articles can be downloaded, shared, commented on, and cited.

Reading Preprints
There are a number of ways to make sure you find the publications on AIJR preprints most relevant to you. You can search our website or check for the latest preprints in your subject category. Discuss relevant publications with colleagues and provide useful feedback to the authors. You may also sign up as a reader for alerts. By using an open-access license, publications on AIJR preprints are free for anyone to download and read.

Citing Preprints
All published preprints are fully citable whether registered with Crossref to receive a digital object identifier (DOI) or not. Details on how to cite will be included in the pdf file of each publication. If the preprint later gets published in a peer-reviewed journal, the author should inform us and we will add a notice of published version with a link to the journal’s version DOI from the article page to make sure that readers have access to the latest version.
In order to protect the integrity of the citation record, published articles cannot be withdrawn except under some exceptional circumstances. Any correction shall be done by updating the manuscript to a new version. Refer to the withdrawal policy by scrolling down this page.

Reusing Preprints
The CC BY-NC 4.0 license we use for all publications allows them to be reused with proper attribution. This includes distributing the work to colleagues, teaching, journal clubs, press releases, and so on. Under the licensing terms, authors receive attribution and recognition for their work for any parts that are reproduced.
Note: Publications on this Preprint server are not peer-reviewed and hence caution and responsibility are required when reusing them. For cases where it is crucial that the details of the paper are correct, readers should rely on professional advice and can check on the abstract page whether an updated or peer-reviewed version is available.

Visibility of AIJR Preprints

In addition to being searchable from AIJR Preprints website, our preprint articles appear in the following databases-

Comments and Discussion

Readers can provide constructive comments and feedback on any AIJR preprint publication. These comments are highly valued by authors and can help to improve papers further for updating and journal publication. You can use the comments to give a general opinion of the research presented, make suggestions for extension or improvement, or highlight certain parts for other readers. Readers who post comments or feedback are obliged to declare any competing interests, financial or otherwise. Only relevant and respectful comments will be welcomed; any off-topic comments will not be approved to appear publicly.
Comments must follow the standards of professional discourse and should focus on the scientific content of the article. Insulting or offensive language, personal attacks, and off-topic remarks will not be permitted. AIJR Preprints reserves the right to remove any comment without notice. Kindly refer to the discussion guide for more detail and procedure.

Discussion Guide

Readers can comment, provide feedback, and discuss any published article on AIJR Preprints. These discussions are highly valued by authors and can help to improve papers for the revised version. For such comments and discussion purposes, we use the Hypothesis Annotation tool in the PDF file of the article on the AIJR Preprint Server. Your goal of using this annotation tool may include to-

  • Make suggestions for extension or improvement of the article.
  • Bring attention to a key idea or research steps in the author’s methodology.
  • Propose an alternative idea that the author might have considered.
  • Respond constructively to an annotation posted by another reader.
  • Pose questions or seek clarifications about the author’s key ideas.
  • Highlight any flaws in the research presented.
  • Challenge an author’s claims, evidence, assumptions, or perspective.

Discussion must follow the standards of professional discourse and should focus on the content of the article. Insulting or offensive language, personal attacks, and off-topic remarks are not allowed. Readers who post comments are obliged to declare any competing interests, financial or otherwise. AIJR Preprints reserves all right to remove comments without any notice.

How to Use Annotation Tool for Discussion?

You can use the annotation tool to make suggestions for extension or improvement of the article, highlight any flaw in the research presented, and discuss with other participants on the paper (online pdf file). To use this annotation tool for discussion, follow the following steps-

  • Step 1: Open the pdf file on the AIJR Preprint server by clicking on PDF, either on the abstract page of the article or in the article list.
  • Step 2: Locate & click on the annotation tool icon in the top right corner of the pdf file.
  • Step 3: You will see the Signup and Login option; if you already have a hypothesis account, login otherwise you can Sign up for a free Hypothesis account. Login after activating the hypothesis account by clicking on the verification email sent to your email id.
  • Step 4: Select/Highlight the text you want to comment on or discuss, you will see two options Annotate & Highlight. Click on Annotate to add your comments.
  • Step 5: Enter your text in the box and use the default Post to Public setting that will enable others to see your annotation for discussion. However, if you want to keep it private for your own use, you may change the setting to Only Me.

Updating with New or Peer-reviewed Version
With AIJR preprints, authors are in control of updating their work with a new & improved version. If they want to change or modify the paper, they can submit a new version at any time. If the article gets accepted and published in a scholarly journal, the author can update with DOI of the finally published peer-reviewed version. To ensure that citations are not affected, the article’s DOI/URL will always point to the latest version with a history of previous versions.

Publishing Fee

There is no fee for submitting and publishing in AIJR Preprints, approved articles will get published on a dedicated article URL. The latest version of the article will automatically get updated at the same URL. (Updated on July 2021).

DOI Assignment

The DOI will get assigned to each posted preprint and it will also get deposited in the CrossRef.

 Copyright Information

Author(s) retains full copyright of their article and grants non-exclusive publishing right to AIJR Preprints and its publisher “AIJR (India)”. Author(s) can update the article anytime with a new & improved version. The author may submit the article for peer-reviewing to any scholarly publication and when it gets accepted/published, the author should update with DOI of the peer-reviewed version.

Licensing policy

All articles published in the AIJR Preprints are licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0) unless otherwise stated. Under this license, author(s) retain ownership of the copyright for their content but allow anyone to download, reuse, reprint, distribute, and/or copy the content for non-commercial purposes as long as the original authors and source are cited. No permission is required from the authors or the publishers for non-commercial use.
Click here for more information on the licensing policy.
Note: Publications on this Preprint server are not peer-reviewed and hence caution and responsibility are required when reusing them. 

Withdrawal Policy of AIJR Preprints

It is important for all authors to understand that preprints cannot be completely removed once published. Information about the published preprint is permanently available. In addition, a number of databases collect information about published preprints. Article withdrawal policy before and after publication treated differently as described below-

  • Article not yet Published

If your submission has not yet published you may delete it. To delete go to your author dashboard and click on the Delete button. Deleting a submission will remove it from our system if you have difficulty in deleting contact AIJR Preprints immediately. In your message be sure to include the submission id, paper title, an explanation of the problem, and the reason for deletion.

  • Article already Published

Articles that have been published cannot be completely removed. Withdrawal creates a new version of the paper marked as withdrawn. That new version displays the reason for the withdrawal and does not link directly to the full text. Previous versions will still be accessible, including the full text. Withdrawal reasons must be appropriate for the withdrawal to be accepted.

  • Withdrawal reasons will be displayed publicly so when writing the withdrawal reason please keep in mind that you are explaining the withdrawal to the readers of AIJR Preprint.
  • It is inappropriate to withdraw due to the author wishes to submit to a journal whose policy does not allow preprint posting. Authors should check in advance whether the journal they intend to submit to accepts preprints.
  • It is not appropriate to withdraw a paper because it is published or submitted to a journal. Instead, you should update the relationship with the DOI of the published version in a peer-reviewed journal.
  • It is not appropriate to withdraw a paper because it is being updated. Instead, you should submit a new improved version. Any scientific error or other correction shall be done by updating the manuscript to a new version.


  • Submitting a withdrawal request by Author
  • From your author dashboard click on the production discussion tab and click add new.
  • Select all available participants and write a withdrawal request by providing the specific reason for the withdrawal within the Comments field.


  • Withdrawal by AIJR Preprints

From that time on, articles may get withdrawn at the discretion of Preprints editors/moderators and the advisory board for the following reasons:

  • Misconduct by authors, including plagiarism and data fabrication.
  • Serious scientific errors, that cannot be corrected by updating the paper.
  • Where leaving a paper online would constitute an illegal act, including copyright violation.

In all the above situations, the author may get contacted with the issue so that author can update the manuscript with a new version to resolve the concern. If so, the author shall act promptly, failing which may result in the article withdrawn without any further communication.

AIJR Preprints reserve the right to withdraw without notice where there is sufficient reason for doing so.

  • Withdrawal Representation
  • The withdrawal will create a new version (version 2).
  • The new withdrawn version will become the default view of the paper.
  • The reason for the withdrawal is displayed in the abstract field.
  • Under the Download options on the right, there is no option to download the PDF.
  • The previous version will still be available on the server which can be accessed through the version history option.