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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The article is in English language, original, and neither previously published to any preprint server nor it is before another preprint server for consideration. The manuscript is neither written by generative AI tools nor contains AI-generated content. The author(s) have read and comply with the ethics & policy before submitting to this preprint server.
  • The submission file is in Microsoft Word file format with a single-column layout. If the manuscript is written in LaTex, a pdf file can be submitted along with the source LaTex file.
  • The article has been prepared as per the Author Guidelines. The text shall not employs underlines or italics (unless it's necessary due to scientific reason); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate place.
  • The author included sufficient recent (from last 2 years) reference citations. All references are cited within the text appropriately and all cited references are listed after the Declarations section in a consistent, standard style.
  • Complete detail of each author has been added in the article and all authors shall be added during step 3 of the submission process in the same order as appeared in the article file.

Author Guidelines

Only original, plagiarism-free articles are allowed to be submitted here. The submission should include major elements of an article such as; Title, authors & affiliations, Abstract, Keywords, Introduction, Methodology, Results, Discussion, Conclusion, Competing Interests, References, etc. The author should consider the following for technical formatting-

  • The Title should be adequate and unique to describe the article such that reading it alone would convey nature and content. The full title-length (including subtitle) shall be between 8-20 words.
  • The author’s name, affiliation, highest qualification, current working or studying details, and email ids are properly written, and the corresponding author has clearly been indicated by putting * mark. Author’s title (Dr. Prof. …), academic degree (Ph.D., M.D., student…) and designation (Professor, Engineer, Specialist…..) shall be omitted.
  • Abstract within 450 words by focusing on the objective, methodology, key results which must convey enough understanding when reading in isolation from the paper.
  • Keywords should be specific to the content and not more than 3 keywords.
  • The paper is clear and concise containing well-expressed ideas that should be readable and understandable by its intended readers.
  • The manuscript is neither written by generative AI tools nor contains AI-generated content.
  • Figures and tables should be properly numbered with a descriptive title and must be explained within the text by referring to the corresponding figure/table number.
  • Have a concise conclusions section by focusing on major outcomes presented, or ideas/ concepts discussed, its limitations, novelty, and recommendations.
  • The manuscript shall represent the recency of the manuscript with sufficient recent reference (from the current year & last year) citations, otherwise, it will not be processed for screening.
  • References should be properly cited within the text and listed with valid & consistent formatting. Do not include the only weblink as a reference, it should be accompanied by the article title and publication source.
  • The paper should use correct and simple English; conveying the science and intent/ meaning or purpose.
  • A competing interests statement along with other applicable declarations (Study limitation, Acknowledgement, Funding Source, Hazard Warning, Ethical Approval, Respondent consent, etc.) shall be added at the end of the manuscript. 

The author may also use AIJR Preprint's word template for layout and font requirements, available at this link.

Paper Posting Fee: Paper posting on AIJR Preprint Server is absolutely free (Updated on July 2021).

Screening Criteria

Each submitted article will undergo formal screening on the basis of the following 3 criteria-

  • Based on Author Guidelines: The author’s complete detail, the basic structure of the paper, formatting consistency, table representation, figures quality, and proper reference citation in a consistent referencing style.
  • Ethical Compliance: Presence of conflict of interest statement and other applicable declarations as described in the guidelines above along with the publication ethics compliance such as plagiarism and data fabrication. Further, manuscripts containing AI-generated content will be rejected without any comments.
  • Basic Article Quality: The paper shall have a clear objective and the contents including title, abstract, introduction, findings, discussion, and conclusion must reflect the main objective of the paper. The writing fluency should be easy to follow for readers with appropriate recent reference citations to show the novelty of the work by comparing others' similar work, challenges, and research findings.

The submission screening process may take up to 10 working days depending upon the adherence to the author guidelines in writing and formatting the paper. For more details on the screening process, kindly visit about section

Open Access

All preprints are posted using an open access Creative Commons CC BY 4.0 license. This means that the work can be freely downloaded, distributed, and reused, provided that the author and AIJR preprints are cited in any reuse. This allows maximum visibility for the work while recognizing authors. Submitting an article to AIJR Preprints implies that all  authors agreed to the following:

  • Grant AIJR Preprints a perpetual, non-exclusive license to distribute this article.
  • Certify that I have the right to grant this license.
  • I understand that submissions cannot be completely removed once accepted by AIJR Preprints and may appear on websites other than AIJR Preprints.

Can I remove an article that has already been posted on AIJR Preprints?

No, articles posted on AIJR Preprints are fully citable and part of the scientific record. They are indexed by services such as Google Scholar creating a permanent digital presence independent of AIJR records. Consequently, our withdrawal policy is that published papers cannot be fully removed, instead, they shall be updated with the new improved version. Authors may, however, have their article marked as "Withdrawn" if they no longer stand by their findings/conclusions or acknowledge fundamental errors in the article. In these cases, a statement explaining the reason for the withdrawal is posted on the article page; the original article will still be available and accessible via the version history option. In extremely rare, exceptional cases, papers are removed for legal reasons. Visit the about section for more detail on the withdrawal policy.

The author should select one of the following sections to submit the paper.

Working Paper

Submit only those early research work as working paper which has not yet been submitted to any journal for review.


In this special section, submit all kinds of working papers on coronavirus study.


In this section, submit only the author's version of those papers which already been submitted to a scholarly journal for peer-reviewing (whether published or not).

Under Review

This section contains papers under consideration by AIJR Journals only to prevent simultaneous submission by the author to another journal while it's still under review in any of the AIJR journals.

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