Call for Papers: Publish Your Research on AIJR Preprints


We invite you to submit your groundbreaking research papers to AIJR Preprints, the platform that maximizes the visibility and impact of your work in the scientific community. Preprints provide an excellent opportunity to share your research findings rapidly and receive valuable feedback from peers, thereby accelerating the dissemination of knowledge.

AIJR Preprints is a growing preprint server known for its global reach and extensive interdisciplinary network. Your research will be accessible to researchers, scholars, and professionals worldwide. Share your findings with the scientific community immediately after completing your research. Don't wait for lengthy peer review processes—get your work out there to make a difference sooner. We believe in the principles of open science. Publishing on AIJR Preprints ensures your work is freely accessible to everyone, fostering collaboration and innovation. Engage with fellow researchers, gain insights, and improve the quality of your work through feedback and discussions on our platform. AIJR Preprints is recognized for its commitment to quality. We ensure that posted preprints meet basic standards for research quality, enhancing the credibility of your work.

Submission Guidelines:

We welcome research papers from all scientific disciplines. To submit your work to the AIJR Preprint Server, please ensure that your manuscript adheres to the author's guidelines:

Originality: Your research must be original and not published to other preprint servers.

Quality: Maintain high research and writing standards.

Formatting: Follow the submission guidelines provided on our website.

Ethics: Adhere to ethical research conduct and proper citation practices.

Join the AIJR Preprints Community

Become a part of our thriving community of researchers and scholars who believe in the power of open science and collaboration. Share your research on AIJR Preprints and be at the forefront of scientific discovery. Help us build a vibrant and diverse community by sharing this call for papers with your colleagues, mentors, and students. Together, we can make a significant impact on the world of research and innovation.

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