Controlling the Dynamical Spread of Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) in a Population
In the paper, a model governed by a system of ordinary differential equations was considered; the whole population was divided into Susceptible individuals (S), Exposed individuals (E), Infected individuals (I), Quarantined individuals (Q) and Recovered individuals (R). The well-posedness of the model was investigated by the theory of positivity and boundedness. Analytically, the equilibrium solutions were examined. A key threshold which measures the potential spread of the Coronavirus in the population is derived using the next generation method. Bifurcation analysis and global stability of the model were carried out using centre manifold theory and Lyapunov functions respectively. The effects of some parameters such as Progression rate of exposed class to infectious class, Effective contact rate, Modification parameter, Quarantine rate of infectious class, Recovery rate of infectious class and Recovery rate of quarantined class on R0 were explored through sensitivity analysis. Numerical simulations were carried out to support the theoretical results, to reduce the burden of COVID 19 disease in the population and significant in the spread of it in the population.
Reproduction Number, Bifurcation Analysis, Lyapunov FunctionsDownloads
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