Cytokine Storm in COVID-19 Patients, their Impact on Organs and the Potential Treatment by QTY Code-Designed Detergent-Free Chemokine Receptors
The novel coronavirus in not only causing respiratory problems, it may also damage the heart, kidneys, liver and other organs; in Wuhan 14 to 30% of COVID-19 patients have lost their kidney function and now require either dialysis or kidney transplants. The novel coronavirus gains entry into humans by targeting ACE2 receptor that found on lung cells, which destroy human lungs through cytokine storms, this leads to hyper-inflammation, forcing the immune cells to destroy healthy cells. This is why some COVID-19 patients need intensive care. The inflammatory chemicals released during COVID-19 infection cause the liver to produce proteins that defend the body from infections. However, these proteins can cause blood clotting, which can clog blood vessels in the heart and other organs; as a result, the organs are deprived from oxygen and nutrients which could ultimately lead to multi-organ failure and subsequent progression to acute lung injury, acute respiratory distress syndrome and often death. However, a novel protein modification tool called the QTY code, that are similar in their structure to antibodies, which could provide a solution to excess cytokines, these synthetic proteins can be injected into the body to blind the excess cytokines generated by the cytokine storm; this will eventually remove the excessive cytokines and inhibit the severe symptoms caused by the COVID-19 infection. In this review we will focuses on cytokine storm in COVID-19 patients, their impact on the organs and the potential treatment by QTY code-designed detergent-free chemokine receptors.
COVID-19, ACE2 receptor, Cytokine Storm, Novel Coronavirus, Antibody-Like Fusion ProteinDownloads
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