Epitope-Based Peptide Vaccine Candidates Against COVID-19 by Immunoinformatics Approach: Review
Vaccination as defined by the WHO is “the administration of agent-specific, but safe, antigenic components that in vaccinated individuals can induce protective immunity against the corresponding infectious agent”. Regardless of their debated history, the standard vaccine approaches have been unsuccessful in providing vaccines for numerous infectious organisms. In the recent three decades, an enormous amount of immunological data was retrieved from clinical studies due to the advancement in human genome sequencing. These data are being deposited in databases and numerous scientific literature. The development of several bioinformatics tools to analyze this rapidly increasing immunological databank has given rise to the field of immunoinformatics. This approach allows the selection of immunogenic residues from the pathogen genomes. The ideal residues could be industrialized as vaccine candidates to provide protective immune responses in the hosts. This methodology will significantly decrease the time and cost needed for vaccine development. This review focus on published articles that proposed vaccine candidates through immunoinformatics analysis. The reviewed six Published immunoinformatics studies, provided vaccine peptide candidates against SARS-COV-2, which is based on functional and non-functional immunogenic proteins like open reading frame, spike protein, envelope protein and membranous protein.All of which are designed by a unique strategy called reverse vaccinology. Spike protein was the most common used target with different suggested B and T cell peptides due to the difference in methodology between the papers.
COVID-19 vaccine canididates, Peptides, ImmunoinformaticsDownloads
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- 2020-07-19 (2)
- 2020-07-10 (1)
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