An Overview on Drug Evolution and Trials on Pandemic COVID-19 Infection
The disease caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS-CoV2) is highly pathogenic and communicable infection, progressed in Wuhan city of China and then around the world. The Genomic investigations shows that phylogenetically SARS-CoV2 resembles the other SARS-like bat viruses, therefore bats were also considered as the possible potential reservoir for SARS-CoV2. COVID-19 pandemic has presented considerable challenges to public health care system at global scale. Novel COVID-19 virus is member of corona Viridae family. Drug evolution and alternative therapy has come in the focus prominently in the treatment of COVID-19 infection. Although, clinical trials, also be in faster rate in all over the world. A number of drugs which were previously used against SARS-CoV-2 infection such as Remdesevir, Lopinavir, Ritonavir, Interferon beta-1b and Ribavirin, but they are being tested in randomised trials and show less prominent effects. In the review we summarized the latest research progress nationally and internationally on treatment and clinical trials of COVID-19 pandemics.
COVID-19, Plasma Therapy, Clinical trialsDownloads
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