The COVID-19 outbreak is an exact reminder that pandemic like other rarely occurring disasters have happened in the past and will continue to happen in the future. Around the globe, countries are in lockdown, and citizens are asked to maintain social distancing and stay at home. This is not first instances that Kerala is fighting against a deadly virus like Coronavirus. Earlier in 2018, Nipah virus had been identified in Kerala and they had mortality rate of 40 to 80 per cent. From previous experience, among all the states in India, Kerala was well and the best prepared to tackle the COVID-19 pandemic and has managed to flatten the curve. But COVID-19 hit Kerala very hard, because the major source of revenue comes from tourism and Non-Resident Keralites (NRK’s) remittance drastically fell down. This paper provides vital insight into the effect on COVID-19 on Kerala’s job market. The aim of this study is to find out how Kerala’s job markets are being affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. Since Malayalees are working in different countries across the world, survey method is used to collect data. The study helps us to understand the demographic characteristics of workforce in Kerala. It clearly discusses effect of COVID-19 on different sectors where of Malayalees work across the world. The study also helps to analyze the effect of COVID-19 on employability of graduates and non-graduates. Finally, this study identifies the rate of job loss due to COVID-19 lockdown during the month of June 2020.
COVID-19, Lockdown, NRK’s, UnemploymentDownloads
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