Review About Using Limited Organic Wastes in Composting
Comparison Between Few Numbers of the Parameters and the Concentrations of Heavy Metals and NPK Nutrients
This paper reviewed studies about the composting process of different types of organic wastes. These wastes can be produced from different sources such as kitchen waste, Municipal solid waste (MSW), human waste, animal waste, agricultural waste, sewage waste, and slaughterhouse waste. The improper management of these wastes can lead to many environmental problems. These wastes can be disposed be many methods, but the best method we can use to overcome these environmental problems is composting because its cheap, effective in organic wastes decomposition. Composting process can be used to degrade all kinds of organic wastes without any exception such as plants, vegetables, fruits, and others. The product (compost) has many uses such as soil conditioner, nutrients for crops, and can be used as contributor in environmental management. However, there are many factors that affect the quality and the efficiency of the compost, which are pH, temperature, moisture content and carbon nitrogen ratio (C:N ratio). By the way using different types of organic wastes means different types and concentrations of heavy metals and different concentrations of the main and the most common macro nutrients exist in fertilizers (N, P, K). The presence of heave metals gives an indication of the most suitable way that we can use to add compost to soil without any negative effect.
Composting, Organic Wastes, Biodegradable WastesDownloads
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