Analysis of Writing Errors on the Abstracts Submitted for the Research Conferences Hosted by Arsi, Jimma and Wellega Universities
The objective of this study was to analyze writing errors on the abstracts submitted for the research conferences hosted by Arsi, Jimma and Wellega Universities. The study used qualitative research method and case study design. The data collection tools were document review and interview. The study used purposive and availability sampling techniques. Findings revealed the common writing errors were grammar, subject-verb-agreement, spacing and mechanics (spelling, capitalization and punctuation). The basic causes for the errors were lack of knowledge of English, lack of attention given to the language and lack of practice of editing own writings. The strategies to mitigate writing errors were through practice of proofreading and editing of own writings before submission. The data from table 5 showed as the highest writing errors were made on grammar (31.8%), spacing (28.2%), subject-verb-agreement (27.3%), spelling (26.4%), capitalization (6.4%) and punctuation (4.5%) respectively. Thus, the study recommends the researchers/authors of the abstracts to deeply scrutinize their English language on the above identified errors, give due attention to the rules and grammar of the language and develop the practice of editing own works before submission. Likewise, it is better to work together with colleagues who are better in English language, have the practice of editing own works and ready to admit comments and feedbacks given to learn from the errors committed. In addition, Ethiopian universities should do on their lecturers/researchers English language competencies to fill their language skill gaps via short term training.
Abstracts, editing, writingsDownloads
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