Design and Simulation of Four-Wheel Engagement of Regenerative Brake System
The project employed Simulink MATLAB package to design and simulate a regenerative brake that utilizes four electric motors to engage the vehicle’s wheel. The engagement of the electric motors is telescopic in nature, such that one electric motor engages the wheel per time depending on the degree to which brake pedal is depressed, with emphasis on the drive axle, and then the dead axle. The results from the simulation showed that vehicles torque decreased from 294.47Nm to 12.27Nm, while the regenerative brake torque increased from 0Nm to 147.61Nm, showing that the regenerative braking significantly decelerated the vehicle’s speed by about 96%. This is reflected in the voltage as the terminal of the electric motor starts at its peak at 3.08V and thereafter drops to 0.03V, while the current harvested from the vehicle peaked from 614.15A and progressively decreased to 421.04A as long as the vehicle is in motion. However, the study showed that about 48.67% of the energy that the regenerative brake system would have saved was lost when the friction brake was activated alongside the regenerative brakes.
Regenerative Brake System, Friction Brakes, TelescopicDownloads
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