Trigeminal Neuralgia and Cannabidiol Approach
Mini Review
Chronic pain has been managed for decades, mainly by therapies based on a wide spectrum of analgesic drugs, surgical protocols and complex interventions aimed at interfering with pain outcomes or to, at least, modulate it. Unfortunately, all these techniques lead to several pharmacological hazards, besides their lack of efficacy and safety to treat chronic pain. This scenario justified the need of research focused on finding alternative treatments. Cannabinoids are naturally occurring substances deriving from Cannabis sativa L. The use of cannabinoids and their metabolites, mainly cannabidiol (CBD), emerged as option to manage different chronic pain conditions. The present review focuses on the CBD mechanism acting in chronic pain conditions, mostly on its specific use to treat trigeminal neuralgia. This review also discusses CBD’s safety and interaction with drugs prescribed for neuropathic orofacial pain, mainly Gabapentin/CBD interactions.
Cannabidiol, Trigeminal neuralgia, GabapentinDownloads
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