A Novel Method for Forensic Examination of Bribery Cases Using Alpha-Naphtholphthalein
Background: Corruption is one of the major issues of India and other third world countries. Anti-corruption Bureau, detective agencies and various Forensic Science Laboratories make use of indicator dyes/detective dyes, such as, Phenolphthalein and Anthracene for catching a person involved in taking bribe, red-handed. This study aims to solve the issue of fading out of colour and fluorescence due to extraneous substances, often encountered in case of traditional dyes. To overcome the limitations faced in case of traditional dyes, a new and innovative approach by using ?-naphtholphthalein [3,3-Bis(4-hydroxynaphthalen-1-yl)-2-benzofuran-1(3H)-one] has been developed. Results: The sensitivity of the method was evaluated and limit of detection (LOD) and limit of quantification (LOQ) were found to be 243.2005 ?g/mL or ppm and 736.9712 ?g/mL or ppm respectively, with a regression coefficient of 0.987. Conclusion: Two pathways have been suggested in this study – Aerosol spray method and the traditional wash-solution method. The resulting wash solution and the turquoise blue coloured solution have been analysed using Acid-Alkali test, pH test, Thin Layer Chromatography (TLC), Colorimetry and UV Spectrophotometry.
Trap case, Detective dye, CorruptionDownloads
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